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Individual result for

Steve Colwell, The Dolphin, Great Britain

Category: WCGC Novice
Rank: 18

R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7
1One1 2 2 1
2Ski Jump3 6 2 2
3Three3 2 2 1
4Four4 4 2 2
5The Windmill3 5 4 3
6Six2 4 3 1
7Seven2 3 3 2
8The Waterwheel4 6 2 2
9Nine2 2 4 2
10Ten1 3 2 2
11The Obelisk3 2 3 2
12Twelve2 2 3 2
13Thirteen2 2 3 1
14Fourteen3 1 4 2
15Fifteen2 3 4 2
16Sixteen3 1 1 2
17The Lighthouse3 3 4 2
18Loop The Loop2 2 3 2

Sum 45 53 51 33
Average: 45.5
Total result: 182

WCGC Novice | WCGC Pro | Teams - WCGC Pro Team | Teams - WCGC Novice Team | Straight list | Lane statistics | Teams statistics | Most aces in a row